Jane’s story

What made you decide to start hosting?

I started hosting after I was widowed. The house felt very empty and I really wanted a busy household.


What do you most enjoy about hosting?

I love getting to know the girls – we often chat for hours in the evening about everything and anything. I love that the house is full of life and then when I’m not hosting I can go on holiday. I recently went to Finland skiing and am about to go on a world cruise for 99 days!


What advice would you have for someone thinking of hosting?

I set ground rules right at the beginning, over our first dinner – I make sure the students have my number and my address in case they ever get lost. I also tell them when I go to bed/when they need to be quiet and what time need them home by in the evening if they ever go out. I have found doing this works really well. I also ask them what food they like and they can pop anything they want in my online order.


What are the benefits of hosting three students at the same time?

It’s wonderful! Two of the girls already know each other as they go to the same school so they study together. The third girl, Belle goes to a different school and is slightly older so I’ve given her a separate study area. All three girls get along so well – I can hear them giggling watching tv in the evening. They each have their own bedroom so always have somewhere to retreat to if they ever need it.


What type of things do the students get up to when they’re staying with you?

They study very hard but we go for walks with the dog, we sometimes go out for meals. I like to make a special effort at Christmas and Easter if I ever have students staying. This year for Easter iI let the girls choose a meal and I made chicken katsu and then I made a roast for Easter Sunday. They also can get the bus (the bus stop is very nearby) and go into town.

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